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How to Read Kundli Houses

In Vedic astrology, the Kundli or birth chart is a sky map at the time of an individual’s birth. The chart consists of 12 vedic astrology houses or Bhavas, each representing different areas of life. These houses are like rooms in a house, each with a unique function and energy. Let us now understand the significance of the houses and how to read kundli houses.

First House (Lagna Bhava)

The first house, also known as the Lagna Bhava, is like the front door of the Kundli houses. It represents the self and how others perceive us. The first house is associated with physical appearance, personality and overall well-being. The planets and signs in the first house can provide insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

Now, let us look at how the planets can affect the first house.

  • If the fiery planet Mars is in the first house, you may have a strong physical presence and be quite energetic. But beware, as this could also lead to a short temper and impulsive behavior.
  • The Sun represents one’s sense of self, ego, and individuality. Its placement in the first house can indicate a strong, confident, and assertive personality. The person may have a strong desire for recognition and leadership roles.
  • The Moon represents one’s emotions, intuition, and inner self. Its placement in the first house can indicate a sensitive, emotional, and nurturing personality. The person may have a strong attachment to their family and home.
  • Venus in the first house could indicate a charming and attractive appearance but may also lead to vanity and an excessive focus on appearance.
  • Jupiter in the first house could indicate good luck and a positive outlook on life but could also lead to overconfidence and a tendency to overindulge.
  • Saturn in the first house could indicate a serious and responsible demeanor but could also lead to self-doubt and a tendency to be overly critical of oneself.
  • Mercury in the first house could indicate good communication skills and intelligence but could also lead to nervousness and overthinking.
  • Rahu in the first house can indicate a desire for power, material success, and recognition.
  • Ketu in the first house can indicate a detachment from material desires and a focus on spirituality or inner growth.

You may be confident, assertive, and charismatic if you have a strong first house in Kundli. People with a weak first house may struggle with self-esteem or self-image issues. A well placed and strong first house can also indicate good health and vitality, while a weak one may be prone to health problems.

The ruler of the first house, the Lagna Lord, can provide additional information about the self. The sign and placement of the Lagna lord can provide insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and overall life path.

Second House (Dhana Bhava)

The second house, the Dhana Bhava, represents our resources, including wealth, possessions, and family. The planets and signs in the second house can provide insights into our relationship with money and material possessions.

A well-placed second house can indicate financial stability and success, while a weak second house may struggle with finances or overspending. The second house also represents family, including our immediate and close relatives.

Now, let us look at how the planets can affect the second house.

  • Sun’s placement in the second house can indicate a strong focus on material possessions and financial security. The person may have a strong desire to accumulate wealth and possessions.
  • If Venus is in the second house, you may love luxury and material possessions but beware of overspending and excessive indulgence.
  • If Jupiter is in the second house, you may be lucky with money and have a positive relationship with the family. But avoid becoming too reliant on your luck and neglecting important financial planning.
  • Mercury in the second house can indicate good communication skills and the ability to earn money through speech or writing. But beware of becoming too focused on material gain and neglecting important relationships with family and loved ones.
  • If Mars is in the second house, you may be driven to succeed financially and have a competitive streak. But be careful not to become too aggressive or impulsive in pursuing wealth.
  • Saturn in the second house could indicate financial struggles and limitations, but it can also lead to a strong sense of responsibility and practicality regarding money.
  • The Moon in the second house can indicate strong emotional ties to family and a desire for security but can also lead to overspending due to emotional impulses.
  • Rahu’s placement in the second house can indicate a tendency to pursue material wealth and status, often at the expense of other aspects of life.
  • Ketu’s placement in the second house can indicate a detachment from material possessions and a focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuits.

A well-placed second house can indicate effective communication and persuasive speech, while a weak second house may need help with communication and articulation.

Third House (Sahaja Bhava)

The third house, the Sahaja Bhava, represents our communication skills, courage, and self-efforts. The planets and signs in the third house can provide insights into our relationship with siblings and neighbors.

A well-placed third house can indicate effective communication skills, courage, and confidence, while a weak third house may need help with self-expression and social interactions. The third house also represents our efforts and drive to succeed in life.

The ruler of the third house, also known as the Sahaja Lord, can provide additional information about our relationship with our siblings and neighbors. The sign and placement of the Sahaja lord can provide insights into our personality traits and communication style.

Now, let us look at how the planets can affect the third house.

  • Sun’s placement in the third house can indicate a strong desire to communicate and express oneself. The person may have a natural talent for writing, speaking, or teaching.
  • If Mercury is in the third house, you may have excellent communication skills and easily express yourself. But beware of becoming too chatty and neglecting to listen to others.
  • If Mars is in the third house, you may be courageous and driven to succeed, but be careful not to become too aggressive.
  • Jupiter in the third house could indicate a positive relationship with siblings and neighbors but beware of becoming too complacent and neglecting to put in the necessary effort to achieve your goals.
  • If Saturn is in the third house, you may be reserved and cautious in your communication style, but this can also lead to a lack of confidence and difficulty expressing yourself.
  • Venus in the third house can indicate a charming and persuasive communication style. Beware of becoming too focused on superficial pleasantries and neglecting deeper connections with others.
  • Rahu’s placement in the third house can indicate a desire to become well-known through communication or media-related endeavors.
  • Ketu’s placement in the third house can indicate a detachment from communication or relationships with siblings, as well as a focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuits.
  • Lastly, the Moon in the third house could indicate strong emotional ties to siblings and neighbors but can also lead to moodiness and difficulty expressing emotions effectively.

Remember, the third house is all about communication, courage and self-efforts, so pay attention to the planets and signs in this house to cultivate effective communication skills and drive to succeed in life.

Fourth House (Sukha Bhava)

The fourth house, the Sukha Bhava represents our home and mother’s emotional well-being. The planets and signs in the fourth house can provide insights into our relationship with our family, sense of security, and emotional needs.

A well placed fourth house can indicate a happy home life, a strong bond with our mother, and emotional stability. However, a weak fourth house may struggle with family issues, emotional instability and lack of support.

The fourth house is also associated with our roots and heritage. The planets and signs in the fourth house can provide insights into our ancestral lineage, cultural background and traditions.

Let us look at how the planets can affect the fourth house.

  • If the Sun is in the fourth house, you may have a strong sense of pride and attachment to your home and family but be careful not to become too controlling or dominating in your relationships.
  • If the Moon is in the fourth house, you may have a deep emotional connection to your home and mother but be mindful of becoming too attached and neglecting to establish independence.
  • If Mercury is in the fourth house, you may have a communicative and analytical approach to your family life and emotional needs but be careful not to overthink and neglect your emotional wellbeing.
  • If Venus is in the fourth house, you may have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing home life but beware of becoming too focused on material comforts and neglecting deeper emotional connections.
  • If Mars is in the fourth house, you may strongly desire independence and assertiveness in your family relationships. However, be careful not to become too confrontational and neglect emotional needs.
  • Jupiter’s placement in the fourth house can indicate a strong connection to one’s family and home, as well as a desire for emotional stability and security.
  • Rahu’s placement in the fourth house can indicate a focus on accumulating wealth and possessions in order to provide for one’s family and create a sense of security.
  • Ketu’s placement in the fourth house can indicate a detachment from material possessions and a focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuits. The person may have a strong interest in spiritual practices related to the home and family, such as Vastu or Feng Shui.
  • Lastly, suppose Saturn is in the fourth house. In that case, you may experience difficulties in your home life and relationship with your mother, but this can also lead to a strong sense of responsibility and determination to create a stable and secure environment.

Remember, the fourth house is all about our emotional well-being and sense of security, so pay attention to the planets and signs in this house to cultivate a happy and stable home life.

Fifth House (Putra Bhava)

The fifth house, the Putra Bhava, represents our children’s creativity and education. The planets and signs in the fifth house can provide insights into our ability to express ourselves creatively, our relationship with our children and our educational pursuits.

A well-placed fifth house can indicate a strong creative ability, healthy and happy children, and success in education. However, a weak fifth house may need help with creativity, issues with children, and a lack of academic success.

The fifth house is also associated with romance and love affairs. The planets and signs in the fifth house can provide insights into our romantic life, dating preferences and relationship with children.

Now, let us see how the different planets can affect the fifth house in a Kundli:

  • Sun in the fifth house: The Sun represents individuality and creativity, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a strong creative drive and an inclination towards performing arts. These people may also have a strong bond with their children and a desire to mentor and guide them.
  • Moon in the fifth house: The Moon represents emotions and nurturing qualities. Its placement in the fifth house can indicate a deep connection with children and a love for nurturing their creativity. These people may also be sensitive and intuitive, with a natural flair for the arts.
  • Mercury in the fifth house: Mercury represents communication and learning, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a love for intellectual pursuits and a talent for teaching. These people may also have a natural talent for writing, speaking, or any form of creative expression that involves communication.
  • Venus in the fifth house: Venus represents love and beauty, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a strong desire for love and romance. These people may also have a natural talent for arts, especially music and dance, and enjoy working with children.
  • Mars in the fifth house represents energy and passion, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a strong drive to succeed in creative pursuits. These people may also tend towards impulsive behavior, especially in romance and relationships.
  • Jupiter in the fifth house represents expansion and growth; its placement in the fifth house can indicate success in education and a strong desire to impart knowledge to others. These people may also have a natural talent for creative expression, especially in philosophy, religion, and spirituality.
  • Saturn in the fifth house: Saturn represents discipline and structure, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a tendency towards strict parenting and a focus on academic success. These people may also have a natural talent for the arts but struggle to express themselves freely due to self-doubt and fear of failure.
  • Rahu in the fifth house: Rahu represents innovation and change. Its placement in the fifth house can indicate a desire to break free from traditional forms of education and creative expression. These people may also have a strong independent streak and may be drawn to unconventional romance and relationships.
  • Ketu the fifth house: Ketu represents imagination and spirituality, and its placement in the fifth house can indicate a natural talent for the arts, especially in fields such as poetry, film, and photography. These people may also have a deep connection with children and a desire to inspire them through creative expression.

Sixth House (Roga Bhava)

The sixth house, the Roga Bhava, represents our health, enemies, and service. The planets and signs in the sixth house can give insights into our health status, relationship with our enemies and desire to serve others.

A well-placed sixth house can indicate good health, victory over enemies and a desire to serve others. However, a weak sixth house may need help with health issues, enemies, and a lack of motivation to serve others.

The sixth house is also associated with our daily work and job. The planets and signs in the sixth house can provide insights into our work ethic, job satisfaction, and relationships with colleagues and employees.

In Vedic astrology, Rahu, Ketu and Moon are considered the shadow planets and significantly impact the sixth house of Kundli.

Here is how each planet can affect the sixth house in the Kundli:

  • When the Sun is placed in the sixth house, it can provide good health, energy, and vitality. However, it can also create conflicts with colleagues and employees.
  • Moon: The Moon represents our emotions when placed in the sixth house. It can make a person emotionally sensitive toward their health issues. They may also tend to worry excessively about their enemies and must work on managing their emotions.
  • Mars: Mars is the natural ruler of the sixth house and when placed here. It can provide good physical strength, courage and the ability to overcome enemies. However, a weak Mars in the sixth house can lead to health problems and conflicts with colleagues.
  • Mercury in the sixth house can indicate a strong work ethic and good communication skills. However, it can also create anxiety and stress related to work and health.
  • Jupiter in the sixth house can provide good health, a desire to serve others, and the ability to overcome enemies. However, a weak Jupiter in the sixth house can lead to health problems and a lack of motivation to serve others.
  • Venus in the sixth house can indicate a love for service and a desire to work in fields related to healthcare and healing. However, it can also create conflicts with colleagues and a tendency to neglect one’sone’s health.
  • Saturn in the sixth house can provide discipline and a strong work ethic. However, it can also create health problems and conflicts with colleagues and employees.
  • Rahu in the sixth house can create anxiety and stress related to health and work. It can also lead to conflicts with enemies and a tendency to deceive others.
  • Ketu in the sixth house can provide spiritual insight and detachment from materialistic pursuits. However, it can also create health problems and a lack of motivation to work or serve others.

Seventh House (Kalatra Bhava)

The seventh house, the Kalatra Bhava, represents our partnerships, marriage, and business relationships. The planets and signs in the seventh house can provide insights into our ability to form partnerships, our relationship with our spouse, and our success in business ventures.

A well-placed seventh house can indicate successful partnerships, healthy and harmonious marriages, and prosperous business ventures. However, a weak seventh house may need help forming partnerships, marital issues and business failures.

The seventh house is also associated with our public image and reputation. The planets and signs in the seventh house can provide insights into our social status, public persona, and reputation in the community.

Here’s a witty explanation of how each planet can affect the seventh house in the Kundli:

  • When the Sun is placed in the seventh house, it can create a dominant and authoritative spouse or business partner. It can also indicate a strong public image and reputation, but one may need to be careful of arrogance.
  • Moon: The Moon represents our emotions and when placed in the seventh house, it can create a romantic and nurturing partner or business relationship. However, it can also create emotional dependence and a tendency to be swayed by others’ opinions.
  • Mars in the seventh house can indicate a passionate and driven partner or business partner. Yet, it can also create conflicts and competition in relationships, which must be managed carefully.
  • Mercury in the seventh house can create a communicative and analytical or business partner. However, it can also create a tendency to analyze over and be critical in relationships, which may need to be balanced with emotional intelligence.
  • Jupiter in the seventh house can create a generous and optimistic partner or business partner. But, it can also create unrealistic expectations and a tendency to overlook potential problems.
  • Venus in the seventh house can indicate a loving and harmonious partner or business partner. But, it can also create a tendency to focus on physical appearance and materialistic pursuits overly.
  • Saturn in the seventh house can indicate a serious and committed partner or business partner. Moreover, it can also create delays and obstacles in relationships and business ventures that may need patience and persistence.
  • Rahu in the seventh house can create a desire for unconventional partnerships and business ventures. But, it can also create deception and instability in relationships and business dealings.
  • Ketu in the seventh house can create detachment and independence in relationships and business ventures. Yet, it can also create a lack of commitment and difficulty in forming partnerships.

Eighth House (Ayu Bhava)

The eighth house, also known as the Ayu Bhava, represents our longevity, inheritance and obstacles in life. The planets and signs in the eighth house can provide insights into our life expectancy and ability to inherit assets and overcome obstacles.

A well-placed eighth house can indicate a long and fulfilling life, inheritance of wealth or property, and the ability to overcome obstacles. However, a weak eighth house may struggle with health issues, lack of inheritance, and difficulties overcoming obstacles.

The eighth house is also associated with the occult, secrets and transformation. The planets and signs in the eighth house can provide insights into our interest in the occult, our ability to keep secrets, and our desire for personal transformation.

Now let’s take a look at how each planet affects the eighth house in Kundli:

  • Sun in the eighth house can signify a strong will to live a long life, yet it can also indicate a tendency towards power struggles and issues with inheritance.
  • Moon in the eighth house can bring emotional depth and intensity to our experiences with death and inheritance, but it can also lead to mood swings and a desire for secrecy.
  • Mercury in the eighth house can give us a sharp mind for handling financial and legal matters related to inheritance, yet it can also make us prone to anxiety and worry about the future.
  • Venus in the eighth house can indicate an inheritance of beauty or luxury items, yet it can also lead to struggles with jealousy and possessiveness.
  • Mars in the eighth house can give us the strength and determination to overcome obstacles, yet it can also lead to conflicts and issues with inheritance and shared resources.
  • Jupiter in the eighth house can bring blessings through inheritance or financial support, yet it can also lead to overindulgence and issues with secrecy.
  • Saturn in the eighth house can indicate challenges and delays in inheritance or dealing with shared resources, but it can also lead to a disciplined approach to handling these matters.
  • Rahu’s placement in the eighth house can indicate a focus on acquiring wealth and resources through unconventional or hidden means, such as inheritance or taxes.
  • Ketu’s placement in the eighth house can indicate a detachment from material possessions and a focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuits. The person may have a natural interest in occult or mystical practices, and may be drawn to understand the deeper meaning of life and death.

Ninth House (Bhagya Bhava)

The ninth house, the BhagyaBhava, represents our fortune, religion, and long journeys. The planets and signs in the ninth house can provide insights into our luck, spiritual beliefs, and desire for travel and adventure.

A well-placed ninth house can indicate good fortune, strong religious beliefs, and exciting travel experiences. However, a weak ninth house may need better luck, a lack of spiritual fulfilment and travel opportunities.

The ninth house is also associated with higher education and philosophical beliefs. The planets and signs in the ninth house can provide insights into our educational pursuits, our beliefs about the world, and our desire for intellectual stimulation.

Let us take a look at how each planet affects the ninth house in Kundli:

  • Sun in the ninth house can indicate a strong sense of purpose and a desire to achieve success through higher education or spiritual pursuits. At the same time, it may also lead to issues with ego and dogmatism in religious or philosophical beliefs.
  • Moon in the ninth house can bring emotional depth and sensitivity to our beliefs and experiences with travel and higher education. Yet, it may also result in moodiness and a tendency to idealize people or places.
  • Mercury in the ninth house can give us a sharp mind for learning and intellectual pursuits, but it may also lead to overthinking and analyzing our beliefs and experiences.
  • Venus in the ninth house can bring a love for travel and an appreciation for beauty in different cultures. At the same time, it may lead to a tendency to indulge in luxury and pleasure-seeking while on long journeys.
  • Mars in the ninth house can give us the drive and energy to pursue our beliefs and goals related to travel, education, and spirituality. Yet, it may also lead to impulsiveness and conflicts in religious or philosophical beliefs.
  • Jupiter in the ninth house can bring blessings and good fortune in travel and higher education. At the same time, it may also lead to overindulgence or excessive optimism in our beliefs and experiences.
  • Saturn in the ninth house can indicate challenges and delays in travel or higher education. However, it may also lead to a disciplined and structured approach to achieving our goals and beliefs.
  • Rahu’s placement in the ninth house can indicate a focus on acquiring knowledge and wisdom through unconventional or unorthodox means. This placement can also indicate a potential for travel, as the ninth house is associated with long-distance journeys.
  • Ketu’s placement in the ninth house can indicate a detachment from material possessions and a focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuits. The person may have a strong interest in philosophy, religion, and spirituality, and may pursue these subjects in depth.

Tenth House (Karma Bhava)

The tenth house, the Karma Bhava, represents our profession, status, and success. The planets and signs in the tenth house can give insights into our career choices, social status, and ability to achieve success.

A well-placed tenth house can indicate a successful career, high social status and the ability to achieve our goals. However, a weak tenth house may need help with career issues, low social status, and lack of success.

The tenth house is also associated with our reputation and public image. The planets and signs in the tenth house can provide insights into our reputation in the community, our public person, and our ability to impact society positively.

Here’s how each planet is affected by the Tenth House:

  • Sun in the tenth house can bring a strong drive for success and ambition in our career and a desire to lead and make a positive impact on the world.
  • With the Moon in the tenth house, our emotions and intuition can guide our career choices and help us achieve emotional fulfillment. It also plays a role in balancing our personal and professional lives.
  • Mercury in the tenth house can give us a sharp intellect and communication skills useful in business and leadership roles. It gives an adaptable and versatile approach to our career path.
  • Venus in the tenth house can bring a love for beauty and creativity to our professional pursuits and a need for harmonious and balanced relationships in our work environment.
  • Mars in the tenth house can bring fierce determination and energy to our career goals. It provides a potential for conflicts or power struggles in our professional relationships.
  • Jupiter in the tenth house can bring blessings and abundance to our career and social status. It also tends to take on too much or overestimate our abilities.
  • Saturn in the tenth house can bring challenges and obstacles in our career path, but also a disciplined and focused approach to achieving success and recognition.
  • Rahu in the tenth house may bring ambition, power, and success in the career, but it may also create a tendency towards manipulation, deceit, and a hunger for fame and recognition. The person may have to face sudden changes and unexpected events in their career.
  • Ketu in the tenth house may bring detachment, spiritual growth, and an inclination towards social service. The person may not be interested in material success and may prefer to lead a simple life. However, it may also bring a lack of direction and uncertainty in the career.

Eleventh House (Labha Bhava)

The eleventh house, the Labha Bhava, represents our gains, friends, and fulfilment of desires. The planets and signs in the eleventh house can provide insights into our ability to achieve goals, relationships with friends, and financial status.

A well-placed eleventh house can indicate success in achieving our goals, strong friendships, and financial prosperity. However, a weak eleventh house may need closer friendships and financial difficulties to achieve our goals.

The eleventh house is also associated with social causes and philanthropy. The planets and signs in the eleventh house can provide insights into our desire to contribute to society, our interest in social justice issues, and our involvement in charitable organizations.

Here is an interpretation of all the planets in the Eleventh House:

  • Sun in the eleventh house can bring success and recognition through our social circle. It indicates a strong desire for personal achievements and goals.
  • Moon in the eleventh house can indicate a need for emotional connection and support from our friends and social circle. It displays a potential for mood swings or changes in our social relationships.
  • Mars in the eleventh house can bring a competitive drive and desire for success in our friendships and social networks. It shows the potential for conflicts or disagreements with our friends.
  • Mercury in the eleventh house can bring intellectual stimulation, communication within our social circle, and the potential for misunderstandings or gossip.
  • Jupiter in the eleventh house can expand and grow our social circle. It provides a potential for overindulgence or exaggeration in our desires and ambitions.
  • Venus in the eleventh house can bring harmony and enjoyment within our friendships and social networks and a chance for overindulgence in material pleasures.
  • Saturn in the eleventh house can bring discipline and structure to our social relationships. It might show potential for loneliness or isolation within our social circle.
  • Rahu in the eleventh house can bring a strong desire for social status and material gains. It shows this and the potential for obsession with our desires and goals.
  • Ketu in the eleventh house may give detachment and a sense of spiritual purpose in social interactions. The person may not be attached to material gains and may seek deeper connections with people based on mutual interests and values.

Twelfth House (Vyaya Bhava)

The twelfth house, the Vyaya Bhava, represents our expenditures, losses, and final liberation. The planets and signs in the twelfth house can give insights into our spending habits, ability to manage resources, and desire for spiritual liberation.

A well-placed twelfth house can indicate good financial management, wise spending habits, and spiritual liberation. However, a weak twelfth house may struggle with financial losses, overspending, and lack of spiritual fulfilment.

The twelfth house is also associated with isolation and confinement. The planets and signs in the twelfth house can provide insights into our desire for solitude, our ability to adapt to changes, and our experience with confinement or institutionalization.

Here is a point for each planet in the twelfth house:

  • Sun in the twelfth house can indicate a desire for seclusion or privacy. It can also suggest struggles with self-expression or ego.
  • Moon in the twelfth house can indicate a deeply emotional nature, inclined to introspection and reflection. It may also suggest emotional difficulties or issues with boundaries.
  • Mercury in the twelfth house can indicate a highly imaginative and creative mind with a desire for intellectual exploration and spiritual understanding. It possibly also suggests a tendency towards anxiety or mental stress.
  • Venus in the twelfth house can indicate a strong desire for love and companionship, with a tendency towards romantic idealism and a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of relationships. It may also suggest issues with codependency or boundaries.
  • Mars in the twelfth house can indicate a strong drive towards spiritual or creative pursuits, with a willingness to work hard for personal growth and transformation. It may also suggest issues with anger or aggression that must be addressed.
  • Jupiter in the twelfth house can indicate a deeply spiritual nature, strongly inclined towards charity and humanitarian causes. It may also suggest issues with overindulgence or a tendency towards escapism.
  • Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate a strong desire for spiritual growth and personal responsibility. It is all with a tendency towards introspection and self-discipline. It may also suggest issues with anxiety or self-doubt.
  • Rahu in the twelfth house can indicate a strong desire for spiritual or artistic pursuits. This is with an inclination towards heightened sensitivity and a deep sense of compassion. It can also suggest issues of confusion or delusion that must be addressed.
  • Ketu in the twelfth house can indicate a deep desire for personal transformation and spiritual growth. It is accompanied by a willingness to confront one’sone’s shadow self and explore the depths of the psyche. It can also suggest issues with control or power dynamics that must be addressed.

Understanding how to read kundli houses is a crucial aspect of astrology. By analyzing the different houses and their placements in the birth chart, one can gain valuable insights into a person’s life, including their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and future prospects. While it may take some time and effort to master this skill, with patience and practice, anyone can become proficient at reading kundli houses.

So if you’re interested in delving deeper into the fascinating world of astrology, start by learning how to read kundli houses. By doing so, you’ll be able to unlock a wealth of information about yourself and others, and gain a greater understanding of the universe and our place within it.

For more information on how to read kundli, check out our comprehensive guide here.