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Planning a wedding is a momentous task, and many couples seek to align their special day with auspicious energies for a harmonious and prosperous life together. In 2024, couples can turn to the ancient wisdom of astrology to choose the best wedding dates that align with the celestial forces. Astrology offers insights into planetary positions, lunar cycles, and other cosmic influences that can impact the energy surrounding a particular day. Let’s delve into the cosmic calendar and explore the best wedding dates in 2024 according to astrology.

best wedding dates 2024 astrology

Best Wedding Dates 2024 Astrology

In many cultures, the lunar calendar is considered a sacred guide for choosing auspicious wedding dates. This calendar takes into account the moon’s position, creating a lunar energy that is believed to influence emotions and relationships. Couples often consult astrologers or traditional calendars to find the most auspicious “muhurat” or time frame for their wedding.

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi
16 January 2024, Tuesday20:01 to 17 Jan 07:15Uttara-Bhadrapada, RevatiShashthi, Saptami
17 January 2023, Wednesday07:15 to 21:50RevatiSaptami
20 January 2024, Saturday03:09 to 21 Jan 07:14RohiniEkadashi
21 January 2024, Sunday07:14 to 07:23RohiniEkadashi
22 January 2024, Monday07:14 to 23 Jan 04:58MrigashiraDwadashi, Trayodashi
27 January 2024, Saturday19:44 to 28 Jan 07: 12MaghaDwitiya, Tritiya
28 January 2024, Sunday07:12 to 15:53MaghaTritiya
30 January 2024, Tuesday10:43 to 31 Jan 07:10Uttara Phalguni, HastaPanchami
31 January 2024, Wednesday07:10 to 1 Feb 01:08HastaPanchami, Shashthi
4 February 2024, Sunday07:21 to 05 Feb 05:44AnuradhaNavami, Dashami
6 February 2024, Tuesday13:18 to 07 Feb 06:27MoolEkadashi, Dwadashi
7 February 2024, Wednesday04:37 to 08 Feb 07:05UttarashadaTrayodashi
8 February 2024, Thursday07:05 to 11:17UttarashadaTrayodashi
12 February 2024, Monday14:56 to 13 Feb 07:02Uttar BhadrapadaTritiya, Chaturthi
13 February 2024, Tuesday14:41 to 14 Feb 05:11RevatiPanchami
17 February 2024, Saturday08:46 to 13:44RohiniNavami
24 February 2024, Saturday13:35 to 22:20MaghaPurnima, Pratipada
25 February 2024, Sunday01:24 to 26 Feb 06:50Uttara PhalguniDwitiya
26 February 2024, Monday06:50 to 15:27Uttara PhalguniDwitiya
29 February 2024, Thursday10:22 to 01 Mar 06:46SwatiPanchami
1 March 2024, Friday06:46 to 12:48SwatiShashthi
2 March 2024, Saturday20:24 to 03 Mar 06:44AnuradhaSaptami
3 March 2024, Sunday06:44 to 15:55AnuradhaSaptami, Ashtami
4 March 2024, Monday22:16 to 05 Mar 06:42MoolNavami
5 March 2024, Tuesday06:42 to 14:09MoolNavami, Dashami
6 March 2024, Wednesday14:52 to 07 Mar 06:40UttarashadaEkadashi, Dwadashi
7 March 2024, Thursday06:40 to 08:24UttarashadaDwadashi
10 March 2024, Sunday01:55 to 11 Mar 06:35Uttar BhadrapadaPratipada
11 March 2024, Monday06:35 to 12 Mar 06:34Uttar Bhadrapada, RevatiPratipada, Dwitiya
12 March 2024, Tuesday06:34 to 15:08RevatiTritiya
18 April 2024, Thursday00:44 to 19 Apr 05:51MaghaEkadashi
19 April 2024, Friday05:51 to 06:46MaghaEkadashi
20 April 2024, Saturday14:04 to 21 Apr 02:48Uttara PhalguniDwadashi, Trayodashi
21 April 2024 Sunday03:45 to 22 Apr 05:48HastaChaturdashi
22 April 2024, Monday05:48 to 20:00HastaChaturdashi
9 July 2024, Tuesday14:28 to 18:56MaghaChaturthi
11 July 2024, Thursday13:04 to 12 Jul 04:09Uttara PhalguniShashthi
12 July 2024, Friday05:15 to 13 Jul 05:32HastaSaptami
13 July 2024, Saturday05:32 to 15:05HastaSaptami
14 July 2024, Sunday22:06 to 15 Jul 05:33SwatiNavami
15 July 2024, Monday05:33 to 16 Jul 00:30SwatiNavami, Dashami
12 November 2024, Tuesday16:04 to 19:10Uttar BhadrapadaDwadashi
13 November 2024 Wednesday15:26 to 21:48RevatiTrayodashi
16 November 2024 Saturday23:48 to 17 Nov 06:45RohiniDwitiya
17 November 2024, Sunday06:45 to 18 Nov 06:46Rohini, MrigashiraDwitiya, Tritiya
18 November 2024, Monday06:46 to 07:56MrigashiraTritiya
22 November 2024, Friday23:44 to 23 Nov 06:50MaghaAshtami
23 November 2024, Saturday06:50 to 11:42MaghaAshtami
25 November 2024, Monday01:01 to 26 Nov 06:53HastaEkadashi
26 November 2024, Tuesday06:53 to 27 Nov 04:35HastaEkadashi
28 November 2024, Thursday07:36 to 29 Nov 06:55SwatiTrayodashi
29 November 2024, Friday06:55 to 08:39SwatiTrayodashi
4 December 2024, Wednesday17:15 to 05 Dec 01:02UttarashadaChaturthi
5 December 2024, Thursday12:49 to 17:26UttarashadaPanchami
9 December 2024, Monday14:56 to 10 Dec 01:06Uttar BhadrapadaNavami
10 December 2024, Tuesday22:03 to 11 Dec 06:13RevatiDashami, Ekadashi
14 December 2024, Saturday07:06 to 16:58MrigashiraPurnima
15 December 2024, Sunday03:42 to 07:06MrigashiraPurnima

Talk to Astrologer

For a more personalized touch, couples can explore their individual astrology charts to find dates that align with their astrological energies. This involves considering the positions of the sun, moon, and other planets at the time of their birth, known as the natal chart. Aligning the wedding date with favorable transits to the couple’s natal charts can enhance the positive energies surrounding the ceremony.

Choosing the best wedding date in 2024 involves a delicate balance of celestial energies, planetary positions, and personal astrological factors. For personalized insights and guidance, talk to an astrologer who can help align the cosmic forces with your special day.