• Post category:Planets / Zodiac Signs
  • Reading time:16 mins read

Venus is transiting in Virgo from 24th August to 17th September, 2024 and this is how this transit is going to affect you-


When Venus transits Virgo, Aries might feel a stronger focus on their daily routines, work, and health. This transit encourages Aries to be more organized and detail-oriented in these areas. Relationships could take on a more practical tone, with Aries being more inclined to offer help or seek ways to improve their connections through small acts of service. It’s a time to focus on the little things that make life run smoothly, but Aries should be mindful not to be overly critical of themselves or others.

Gemstone Recommendation: Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, is transiting in Gemini, which might create scattered energy. Carnelian can help ground and focus this energy.


When Venus transits Virgo, Taurus, being an Earth sign, feels more comfortable and grounded. This transit highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression for Taurus. You might feel inspired to bring more beauty and harmony into your life, especially in your hobbies or relationships. It’s a great time to focus on the details in creative projects or to express love through thoughtful gestures. However, you might also be a bit more critical or picky, so try to keep things light and avoid overthinking.

Gemstone Recommendation: Jupiter in Taurus brings expansion, and Green Aventurine can help in harnessing this positive growth, while also offering protection during Mercury retrograde.


When Venus transits Virgo, Gemini might feel a stronger focus on home and family matters. This transit encourages you to pay attention to the details in your living space, perhaps making small improvements or organizing things to create a more comfortable environment. Relationships with family members could become more practical, and you might find yourself offering help or advice. While it’s a good time to nurture your close connections, be careful not to overanalyze or be too critical in these interactions.

Gemstone Recommendation: With Mars transiting Gemini, there may be increased mental activity and restlessness. Lapis Lazuli can calm the mind and enhance clear communication.


When Venus transits Virgo, Cancer will likely focus more on communication and daily interactions. You might feel more inclined to express yourself clearly and thoughtfully, paying attention to the little details in your conversations. This transit also encourages you to be more practical and organized in your everyday tasks. Relationships with siblings, neighbors, or close friends could become more supportive, as you’ll want to help or offer advice. However, try not to be too critical or overthink things—sometimes, simplicity is best.

Gemstone Recommendation: Mercury retrograde in Cancer can bring emotional turmoil and misunderstandings. Clear Quartz or Sphatik can soothe emotions and promote clarity.


When Venus transits Virgo, Leo will likely focus on finances and personal values. You might feel motivated to manage your money more carefully, perhaps finding ways to save or invest wisely. This transit encourages you to appreciate the finer details of what you own and to seek out quality over quantity. In relationships, you might express your affection through practical gestures or thoughtful gifts. While it’s a good time to be sensible and grounded, be careful not to become too focused on material things or overly critical of your own worth.

Gemstone Recommendation: The Sun transiting Leo amplifies self-expression and leadership qualities. Tiger Eye can enhance these qualities while providing protection from ego-driven conflicts.


When Venus transits Virgo, Virgo feels more in tune with themselves, as this transit highlights your natural qualities. You might focus on self-care, refining your appearance, or improving your daily routines. This is a time when you can express your love through practical actions, like helping others or paying attention to details that make life smoother. Relationships may benefit from your thoughtful and supportive nature, but try not to be overly critical of yourself or those around you. Embrace this time to enhance your well-being while keeping things balanced and gentle.

Gemstone Recommendation: Venus transiting Virgo could bring a focus on perfectionism and self-criticism. Green Jade can promote self-love and acceptance, while balancing Venusian energies.


When Venus transits Virgo, Libra might turn inward, focusing on self-reflection and personal growth. You may feel a desire to take care of your own well-being, paying attention to the details of your health and daily habits. This is a time for quiet self-care, where you might enjoy solitude or activities that help you recharge. Relationships might feel a bit more private or introspective, as you seek deeper understanding. While it’s a good time to be mindful and thoughtful, try not to overanalyze or be too critical of yourself.

Gemstone Recommendation: With Mars in Gemini and Venus in Virgo, relationships might face challenges. Rose Quartz can enhance harmony and understanding in relationships.


When Venus transits Virgo, Scorpio might feel a stronger focus on friendships and social connections. You may find yourself wanting to help others in practical ways, offering advice or support to those close to you. This transit encourages you to be more discerning about who you spend time with, valuing quality over quantity in your relationships. It’s a good time to work on group projects or community activities where your attention to detail can shine. However, be careful not to be too critical or picky, as this could create unnecessary tension in your social life.

Gemstone Recommendation: Mars, ruling planet of Scorpio, in Gemini can cause internal conflict and agitation. Obsidian can offer protection and grounding.


When Venus transits Virgo, Sagittarius may find themselves focusing more on their career and public image. You might feel motivated to improve your work environment, pay attention to the details in your professional life, and seek recognition for your efforts. This is a good time to build strong relationships with colleagues and superiors by being helpful and reliable. However, be mindful not to become overly critical of yourself or others in your pursuit of perfection. Balance your ambition with a sense of practicality and patience.

Gemstone Recommendation: Jupiter in Taurus is about growth, but it’s in a more practical and slow-moving sign. Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli can help balance spiritual growth with material goals.


When Venus transits Virgo, Capricorn might feel a strong urge to explore new ideas and broaden their horizons. This transit encourages you to focus on learning, whether through studying, travel, or expanding your worldview. You may find yourself drawn to activities that enhance your knowledge or connect you with different cultures. In relationships, you might seek deeper conversations and value practical advice. It’s a good time to plan for the future and set realistic goals, but be careful not to get bogged down in details or become overly critical of your progress.

Gemstone Recommendation: Saturn in Aquarius might bring lessons of detachment and responsibility. Black Tourmaline can provide protection and support during this period.


When Venus transits Virgo, Aquarius may focus more on deepening emotional bonds and shared resources. This transit encourages you to look closely at your intimate relationships and financial matters, seeking ways to improve or organize them. You might feel more inclined to work on issues of trust and connection with those close to you. It’s also a time to be practical about joint finances, perhaps refining budgets or agreements. While it’s good to be attentive to these areas, be careful not to become too critical or overthink things, as it could strain your relationships.

Gemstone Recommendation: With Saturn in Aquarius, there’s a strong focus on long-term goals and social responsibility. Lapis Lazuli can enhance intuition and help manage change.


When Venus transits Virgo, Pisces may find themselves focusing on their daily routines and relationships. This transit encourages you to pay attention to the little details in your work and health, perhaps improving your habits or organizing your tasks more efficiently. In relationships, you might feel a need for practical and meaningful interactions, valuing acts of service and thoughtful gestures. It’s a good time to nurture your connections through small, supportive actions. Just be careful not to become too critical of yourself or others, as it might create unnecessary tension.

Gemstone Recommendation: Rahu in Pisces can bring confusion and illusions. Amethyst can help in maintaining clarity and spiritual awareness during this time.